Thursday, June 13, 2013

Obliteride Goal Achieved!

No one who achieves success does so without the help of others.
The wise and confident acknowledge this help with gratitude.

Alfred North Whitehead
To my friends and family,
I have surpassed the Obliteride goal of $1,500 and could not have done it without you!  I am truly blessed by the outpouring of love and support given to me during this journey.  The idea of raising money at all is difficult for me.  Moreover, asking others for help; specifically monetary usually makes me cringe.  As you may have read in an earlier post, raising money is not my strong suit.  However, I strongly believe in the mission of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.  Otherwise, I would not have put in 16 years of employment for this institution (wow have I been our of school for that long!  Oy Vey!) 
I was worried that I wouldn’t reach the Obliteride target goal; of course I worry about lots of things, most often things that are totally out of my control.  I would say I am amazed at the outpouring of support, but I am not.  I have been blessed to be able to surround myself with wonderful people.  I have amazing co-workers who are also dedicated to the mission of Fred Hutch and who honestly dedicate a lot more time than me to it.  I think some of them may even sleep there at times! I am blessed to have a loving and supportive family and although we may not connect all of the time, I feel each truly understand the importance of family.  If it’s one thing that my parents have instilled in me it’s, the importance of family.  And I strongly believe if you show love and grace, they in turn will do the same. Finally, my friends.  My girlfriends are my rock.  I have quite a few from different stages of my life.  All are different, with different drive and direction, yet they all have a common thread.  They love me! J  No joking aside, all of these women in one way or another are strong in their faith.  That faith, higher power, spirit, mystical power whatever you want to call it, gives them the foundation as to the women they are.  These women are kind, gentle, yet strong spirited women full of compassion and well sometimes even fire. These are the women I cry with, laugh with, exercise with and trust my children to in times of crisis.  Again, I am blessed beyond words.
It’s funny as I read this blog… I can’t help but smile and understand how lucky I am.

Again, thank you to everyone who has donated to my Obliteride journey.
With love,