Wednesday, May 1, 2013


It seems like such a simple word. Meaning the Crab in Astrology. Keywords include gentle, conservative, feeling, nurturing, defensive, and contemplative.  Yet this is not the Cancer that we most often think of. The cancer in my life has key words too -  malignant, invasive growth, division (of cells), destroying.  It is a word that causes anger, frustration, sadness.  It is a word that needs hope, strength love. 

Today I found out that my mom has liver cancer.  I knew the outcome was going to be this, but when you finally actually get that information it’s still hard to deal with.  All sorts of emotions arise and all I want to do is run.  Run until my legs are numb, my lungs are full and my head is cleared out.  But in reality, life is busy, I must work, take care of the boys, I have responsibilities – running will have to wait.  For now I swallow the lump in my throat, look up at the sun to stop the tears from flowing and just breathe. I will face this ugly thing called cancer with the only true powers that I have… love, grace, laughter and prayer.

I can do all this through him who gives me strength
Philippians 4:13

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