Thursday, March 14, 2013

I ride because...

One of the first questions asked by Obliteride is, “why do you ride?”.  My answer to this question is fairly simple. I ride because I can. Riding my bike and raising money is the one thing that I can do to help fund vital research for finding a cure to cancer.  Seems simple enough; however those three word, “because I can” have so much more significance. I ride for so many that I know that can’t.  Some have won the fight, some have postponed the battle for another day, and others put up a valiant fight but are no longer with us.  I ride for friends and family touched by cancer. I ride for my children; to teach them the benefit of hard work, compassion, and the joy of helping others. I ride for me; it clears my mind, relieves stress and of course burns calories.  As I embark on this journey I plan to write about my journey. Writing and posting is one gift I can provide to all those who choose to give during this journey. A piece of my life and my truth.

We have stories to tell, stories that provide wisdom about the journey of life. What more have we to give one another than our 'truth' about our human adventure as honestly and as openly as we know how?  - Rabbi Saul Rubin

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