Thursday, March 21, 2013

KING 5 - 100 mile

Here is the nice description of the 100 miles I will be biking on August 10th.

"The KING 5 100 is the perfect blend of urban and rural riding. Pedaling farther out of town than the 50-mile route, the KING 5 100 includes quiet country roads that not even your most knowledgeable riding buddies have found. Toss in a few thigh-burning climbs, great scenery, complete ride support, and on-going cheers to make this the best 4,517 feet you’ve climbed yet. And what goes up must come down. Treat yourself to a mostly flat and downhill run to the finish at Magnuson Park and a great sense of accomplishment."

So…I am basically riding from Seattle around Lake Washington, through Redmond and going in a big hilly circle around fall city and back.  I have come to the conclusion that 100 miles is a really long way and I should probably start getting on my bike a bit more often in preparation.  It’s hard to prepare and ride the bike when it’s so cold outside!  But I have been dutifully attending throughout the winter a spin class twice a week at 5 a.m. So hopefully as the days get longer and a wee bit warmer I can begin to journey out on longer rides in preparation for the big ride.  I am figuring that the Chilly Hilly took about 2 hours (that may have included ferry time, can’t remember) and that was 30 miles, so I am anticipating at a minimum 6 hours of riding.  But I won’t be alone, my friend and co-worker Sarah will be with me.  Sarah is the one who convinced me this ride was doable.  It’s time to focus and think Spring! Which may require many days of riding in the rain!

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