Friday, August 9, 2013

On your Mark… Get set…

It’s official, it is the Eve of the Obliteride.  This journey has gone so much faster than expected and as par for the course, I am not as ready as I hoped to be.  I am nervous, but I always get nervous before starting out on a new adventure.  I keep thinking… I just don’t want to be last.  Then I have the thoughts…so what if I am.  I will do my best, try my hardest and remember as the pain sets in, why I am doing this at all.  Remind myself that I can bear a few hours of sore knees, cramping feet and a really sore bum – it’s the least I can do.  I remind myself why I ride and look back at my original posts.  I ride for those who cannot.  That in itself is an accomplishment.  As this journey has progressed I have watched my mom become weaker and a little bit sicker.  I ride for her.  I ride to clear my head and think of my mom and remember all of our wonderful times together, all of her love, all of her support and all of her encouragement.  Just yesterday after her chemo session, she still has the spirit to lift my spirits and remind me that I can do this and to not sell myself short.  Yesterday one of my dear friends lost her younger brother, he was only 35.  He did not have cancer, but he too reminds me of the importance of life, the importance of health. Raising money for research is important. While this ride may not raise enough funds to find the “cure”, it’s worth the battle to raise funds to know perhaps the “cure” is just around the corner.  There are so many amazing breakthroughs every year and the advances on saving lives have improved.  While I know there are people suffering now and going through treatments and painful life altering decisions – hopefully within my lifetime there will be enough advances and knowledge gained that we can truly eliminate cancer as a form of human suffering.  As I prepare for this 100 mile ride, I remind myself of who I ride for.  I ride for:

1.      Steven Coronado
2.      Fred Smith
3.      Luanne Matsumo
4.      Mike Kithcart
5.      Mary L Stevens
6.      Ralland “Poppy” Stevens
7.      Carl E Johnson
8.      Helen Johnson
9.      Michelle Johnson
10.   Kathy Stevens
11.   Carol Hensen
12.   Eleanor Christiansen
13.   Terry Roaring
14.   Judge Crad
15.   Dorothy Yantz
16.   Christopher Thompson
17.   Harold Olsen
18.   Mary Munsell
19.   Elaine Craney
20.   Glena Smith
21.   Jane Burke

All have been affected by cancer.  Some have beat it, some are still fighting, and some we have lost.  This is why I ride.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me.  With your generous donations, love and support I raised a total of $2050! $550 beyond my goal! 

I am truly blessed.


  1. I'm so proud of you... honored to call you friend! YOU are an amazing woman!!! Love and hugs to you! What you are riding for tomorrow is such a gift to others... I also pray that this ride will be an important gift to your own heart as you ride and think and smile and cry and reflect and PUSH ON! LOVE YOU!!!

    1. Thank you Jen, needed your kind words. Love you and Miss you!
