Monday, July 8, 2013

Only 32 Days, 19 hours, 46 minutes until my ride!

It seems like I just started this blog like a day ago, and here we are on the final almost a month countdown to the Obliteride.  The sun is out and the weather is perfect for long rides of which I am slowly getting more and more time in on my bike.  I forget sometimes that long rides do take a long time.  The idea of Obliteride coming in only 32 days does cause a bit of anxiety, but I am determined to do this for all of the wonderful people who have supported me both financially as well as emotionally on this journey.  My mom's cancer continues to progress and the idea of cancer winning the fight is difficult to except.  So I continue to ride for my mom who's strength through the chemo is amazing, her determination to try and not have us "worry" I think is such a mom thing to do. We do worry, we know the outcome from this disease is not the one any of us want.  So I draw strength from my mother's fight to extend her life, if she can go through the crap she is going through the least I can do is ride 100 miles even if I am not in Tour De France shape.

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